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Dr. Jeffrey Lewis

  • Analysis & Opinion

Dr. Jeffrey Lewis's Opinion & Analysis
A complete archive of Dr. Jeffrey Lewis's articles, including current analysis & opinion - Page 13

When an option trader has a long gamma position it means that they benefit from volatility and can rebalance their portfolios’ profitably if the underlying asset moves significantly.The more...
A slackening U.S. economy typically means that a slowdown in industrial demand for silver will soon be forthcoming. Nevertheless, the re-monetization of silver would more than take care of any such...
The silver and gold market has been rife with speculation about ongoing price manipulation. Most investors are now familiar with this concept, and even the mainstream has admitted that undue market...
One of the most often asked questions by those interested in investing in silver pertains to not only how low, but how high silver’s price can go.The range is anywhere from a paper price of...
Ultimately, the global markets remain the battlefield in which investors compete for the last remaining quality collateral. Furthermore, secondary to Fed taper talk’s effect on the United...
Silver production tends to center around two often unknown factors. First of all, many people seem unaware that byproduct mining is the primary source of new silver supply.Secondly, the broken price...
Invariably, as the price of silver and gold begins moving higher, more investors will be drawn in to the mostly paper precious metals market.Most of these buyers will be looking only at the price and...
Many observers have realized that the price of silver will rise dramatically at some point because the amount of paper silver is many times the amount of physical silver. When this fact is even...
In 1863, the Rothschild brothers of London wrote to associates in New York introducing their banking method into America:“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its...
Perhaps it is not terribly surprising to learn that recent silver demand numbers from India have set records. While gold still seems to be the typical precious metal of choice in the United States,...