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Gail Tverberg

Joined: Oct 09, 2011
  • Analysis & Opinion

Gail Tverberg's Opinion & Analysis
A complete archive of Gail Tverberg's articles, including current analysis & opinion - Page 6

A few years ago, I had an ah-ha moment when it comes to what we as humans would need to do to live in a sustainable manner. It is very easy. All we have to do is leave our homes, take off all of our...
How does the world reach limits? This is a question that few dare to examine. My analysis suggests that these limits will come in a very different way than most have expected–through financial...
As the US heads toward debt default and continues with government shutdown, the underlying reason for the predicament is generally not clear to the American people or the world. The story that the...
If a person reads US newspapers, it is easy to get the impression that all of the world’s oil problems are over. But this is not really the case.An Overlooked Part of the Problem: High Oil...
Jorgen Randers published a book in 2012 called 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next 40 Years. A note on the front says, “A report to the Club of Rome, Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of The...
What will the world economy be like ten years from now? Or fifty years from now? Is it something that we can forecast by looking at the past, assuming that past tends will continue?Most economists...
We know the world economic pattern we have been used to in years past–world population grows, resource usage grows (including energy resources), and debt increases. The economy grows fast enough...
Does a fish know that its nose is wet? Probably not. It swims in water, and assumes that is the only way any animal lives.We live in an economic world. Economic models that were developed years ago...
A question that seems to come up quite often is, “Are we going to have inflation or deflation?” People want to figure out how to invest. Because of this, they want to know whether to...
My major point when I gave my talk at the Fifth Biophysical Economics Conference at the University of Vermont was that our economy’s overall energy return on investment is already too low to...