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Christine Short

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Christine Short's Opinion & Analysis
A complete archive of Christine Short's articles, including current analysis & opinion - Page 10

Q3 featured just a modest increase in global share repurchase announcements, and the fourth quarter is off to a sluggish start A trio of consumer companies crossed our radar with encouraging...
Despite an OK earnings season thus far, stocks are bearing the brunt of softening investor sentiment and corporate uncertainty This week 2,357 companies are expected to report for Q3, 170 from the...
The LERI shows corporate uncertainty increasing to its highest level since the pandemic, in line with what CEOs have been sharing on Q3 calls This week 1,695 companies are expected to report for Q3,...
The LERI shows corporate uncertainty increasing to its highest level since the pandemic, in line with what bank CEOs have been sharing on Q3 calls This week 460 companies are expected to report...
Q4 2023 Investor Conference and Events Highlights
By Christine Short - Oct 12, 2023
Who knew that the big risk this year was a US economy that would be too hot? Coming into 2023, strategists were bearish following the market’s drubbing the previous year. The consensus...
The LERI shows corporate uncertainty increasing to its highest level since the pandemic Fewer buyback and dividend increase announcements highlight other ways companies are holding back Banks on...
The second-quarter earnings period featured an impressive EPS beat rate, but guidance was less optimistic We found that dividend change announcement trends are also underscoring a toned-down...
Can Arm and Instacart Resuscitate the IPO Market?
By Christine Short - Sep 12, 2023
Q2 2023 marked the sixth consecutive quarter of lower year-on-year IPO activity. The April through June stretch was the weakest global go-public count since early 2016. The third quarter currently has...
Data Strategies to Prepare Portfolios for Volatility
By Christine Short - Sep 06, 2023
September and October are infamous for major bouts of volatility striking markets Amid a softening consumer landscape and uncertain Fed policy, industry experts will share their insights and what...
Traditional splits were all the rage in 2021 amid a speculative frenzy in financial markets 2023 Trend: reverse splits are sharply on the rise We highlight three firms, each impacted by the...