JJ Kinahan's Opinion & Analysis
A complete archive of JJ Kinahan's articles, including current analysis & opinion - Page 16
If you expect Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and company to deliver anything explosive after today’s meeting ends at 2 p.m. ET, you probably haven’t been paying much attention. Based on recent...
We interrupt focus on the Fed meeting to take a look at some data that might factor into the central bank’s thinking.Retail sales and producer prices for May both came out this morning, and an...
Fed week is here and, once again, analysts expect Chairman Jerome Powell and company to stay the course on rates and stimulus. For now, at least.Last week’s sizzling May inflation data and...
So now we know what it takes to set a new record high: A big jump in consumer prices.That’s just being a bit facetious. A little inflation is often good, because it can show strong trends in the...
The debate between whether inflation is temporary (“transitory” in Fedspeak) or here to stay remains open. What’s no longer in debate is that we’ve got it now.Consumer price...
If you’re reading this, then apparently you weren’t affected by a global internet outage that hit many news websites. The outage appeared to hurt stock futures overnight, but things...
After stocks came within inches of a new record high on Friday following the “Goldilocks” May jobs report, the new week starts with investors mulling inflation, infrastructure talks and an...
The May’s jobs report could be seen as a “Goldilocks” kind of data point, even if it wasn’t as strong as many had hoped with 559,000 jobs created.That was solid, but not...
The holding pattern continues to hold.We’re seeing a bit of a selloff this morning, but it’s probably nothing to get too excited about considering how many days the market’s been up...
Like a golf course, this week has a front half and a back half. But there’s a bit more rough and potential hazards on the back nine, so to speak.Tomorrow and Friday are when we get a lot of...