Doug Casey's International Man
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Doug Casey's delivers the most important news and top resources on the internet regarding the world's last frontiers, internationalizing your assets, and diversifying your political risk, for new and experienced freedom-seekers, investors, adventurers, speculators and expatriates.
Most people know of the general investment benefits of not having all your asset eggs in one basket. This portfolio-diversification concept—investing in multiple asset classes—also applies to the political risk associated with your home country. It is a risk few people think about diversifying.
While diversifying political risk is something that everyone in the world should strive to achieve, it goes double for those who live under a government that is sinking deeper into fiscal trouble (e.g., most Western governments).
In short, internationalization is prudent because it frees you from absolute dependence on any one country. Achieve that freedom, and it becomes very difficult for any country to control you.
To get started, there are four core areas of internationalization to consider: your savings (offshore financial accounts, foreign real estate, international gold storage), yourself (second passports), your income (offshore companies, international investment opportunities), and your digital presence (offshore email/files storage
Visit for the premier source of information on internationalization.
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